Settling in

After getting most of the problems sorted out yesterday it was time for a new one. As I switched on the microwave to defrost a bagel, all the power went out in the trailer. No blown circuit breakers inside or out, and no voltage at the plugin stand 🙁  Moving the campground breaker around gave intermittent hydro together with the sound of arcing from within the electricity supply box, not good! Maintenance turned up to replace the breaker, and all is now good.

It was now time for me to set up my toys and do a couple of repairs. I now have the ham radio antenna setup, and will hopefully get the radio setup tomorrow. Went through the once a trip battle with the BBQ igniter and won.

The campsite WiFi proved to be very iffy, and it was impossible to do a video Skype yesterday with Noah, so Lyn was missing out on Granny time! We topped up our data stick and now have reasonable phone and skype access.

Weather still windy but pleasantly warm at 20C.

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