
An overcast morning in the mid-fifties. The sun didn’t bother to put in an appearance all day which I thought was a little anti-social of it. As I have said before, the sun really warms the place up, even if the outside temperature is cold. Today wasn’t particularly cold, but the heating was needed to keep us comfortable. I am pleased with the new thermostat, it comes on just for short bursts and gets the living area up to a nice level. Previously the thermostat would run much longer, heat the living area way up, then let it cool right down, into the “too cool” zone before heating up again.

Spent most of the morning playing programmer while Lyn tried to make sense of the finances for the past month.

After lunch Lyn headed over to her last craft group meeting, at least this week three people turned up. When she returned we headed off for our walk around the park, which is filling up with RV’s quite quickly now.

As I said, relaxation, no work was needed on the trailer. Life is SO tough.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Normality Returns

Although overcast when we got up, the temperature was close to 21°C. There was a touch of fog around which made everything damp. After breakfast I continued with a couple of computer projects and Lyn, who had previously cut out 300 pieces of material, started laying out her latest quilt.

We headed out to get some shopping, and even a Christmas present or two, before lunch. Again everywhere seemed just a little bit busier than normal. Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet, but the stores (and TV adverts) seem to be in full Christmas mode. Even out next door neighbours have Christmas decorations out!

After lunch we took advantage of the good weather, by now the fog had dissipated and the temperature was up around 25°C, by heading down towards the State Park for a walk and geocaching. We got in a good 2 mile walk and Lyn found her 200th cache.

After coffee back at the trailer, I finished off the brake adjustments that I had started a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully now there will be a bit more stopping power from the trailer. It wasn’t too bad before, but it wasn’t as good as when we first got it.

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment


Finally, the forecasters seemed to have got it right! It rained most of the night, with temperature rising to 23°C by the time we got up. One of the warmest nights for quite a while. After breakfast the skies to the west darkened considerably and it wasn’t long before we got a very heavy downpour.

I forgot to mention yesterday, when we were driving back form the beach the city workers were busy erecting temporary signs warning of flooded roadway ahead how’s that for being proactive), they were probably needed for a short while this morning.

Rain continued on and off for most of the morning with the temperature dropping, then climbing back up to around 21°C.

I spent the morning tidying up the thermostat wiring inside the cupboards, and putting the cupboard contents back once I’d finished. Although it was warm out it was too wet to eat lunch out, but as the afternoon progressed blue skies rolled in and we were able to take a walk around the resort, then sit outside for our afternoon coffee and reading / Sudoku.

Hopefully the weather will be better next Sunday as we will be packing everything
away prior to our trip home.

Late Breaking News

Literally, as I was typing the last line of text, a small explosion rocked the trailer! We both looked at each other in shock for a second before we said in unison “Spaghetti Squash!” Lyn had been cooking one in the microwave, and despite putting plenty of holes in it, it still exploded and blew the end off. The squash was cooked to perfection, perhaps we have discovered a fool proof way of telling when it is ready!

Guess there is going to be a messy cleanup job soon.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, The Trip Down, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Still Waiting

Woke up to an overcast sky this morning, but the temperature wasn’t too bad; we made it up to 66°F by mid morning and stayed there for most of the day. We started off expecting 13mm of rain, so far at 19:30 we have had a couple of quick sprinkles. The forecast has been revised to 6mm for today and 25mm for tomorrow.

This morning I decided to go out and finish off the brake adjustment while the weather was good. Well that plan didn’t get too far as the hydraulic jack decided not to lift the axle. Must make a note to make sure I do the job before we head out next year otherwise we’ll go around in circles as soon as I hit the brakes.

After lunch we decided to head down to the beach as there is a strong South Easterly wind which should create a bit of wave activity. At the beach there was a tent set up and a number of chairs in it, someone  had chosen the wrong day for a beach wedding. There was quite a bit of wave activity, which we were hoping for; this is not normal on this beach. We had our afternoon walk along the beach, making sure we kept a good eye on the waves to avoid getting wet feet.

On the way home we dropped into Lowes to pick up a new thermostat for the trailer. Recently the evenings have been cool and the current thermostat works fine, but it is located in the wrong position; it is halfway up the stairs at the front of the trailer, and the living area is at the back. I had originally planned to move the current thermostat to a new position in the living area, but the wiring was a problem as some went from the thermostat up into the ceiling on its way to the air conditioner on the roof, and the rest went down into the floor on its way to the furnace.

The easiest answer was to put a second thermostat in and connect it directly to the furnace, the original thermostat will stay where it is as that is a good position to control the A/C from. Finally it all got connected up and it worked….. sort of. Every time I connected the thermostat into the wiring the heating came on…… regardless of the temperature! Unfortunately RV wiring and house wiring for thermostats is different so a little more investigation was required. Finally the problem was resolved, and the heating is working much better now.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Here Comes the Weekend

A much warmer night last night, and a clear bright day to follow. Again we got up to around 20°C and hopefully we will get warmer, if not wetter, over the next couple of days.

As usual Friday is grocery shopping day, for some reason the store was far busier than usual, maybe the fact that it is Thanksgiving next Thursday could explain this?

After lunch it was warm enough that Lyn could sit outside and try out her new chair, while she was enjoying that I had the pleasure of emptying the septic tank! After that was complete we headed out for our afternoon walk around the resort.

After coffee it was time for another bit of maintenance on the trailer. The brakes evidently need to be manually adjusted every 3000 miles, and these haven’t been adjusted since day 1. It wasn’t a difficult job, just awkward getting positioned under the trailer to reach into the adjustment point. So far two out of four wheels done.

Tomorrow is the start of the great (forecast) flood, let’s see how good the met men are this week.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Back to Normal

Life is much better… for a while. We topped out at 19 today  with an overnight low of 9°C. The same tomorrow, then up to 23°C on the weekend. with thunderstorms and 2.5″ of rain. I seem to recall a similar forecast for last weekend, let’s see if they do any better this time.

After breakfast we headed out for a combined sightseeing / shopping trip, we were headed to Bellingrath Gardens on the other side of Mobile Bay. On the way there we would pass agonizingly close to JoAnn fabrics, and also Harbor Freight, which is a tool / machine / hardware store. Once we got to JoAnn Fabrics, I bravely elected to stay and look after the car while Lyn went off and did her thing. While sitting in the car I got the GPS out and discovered there were a number of geocaches close by!

Three quarters of a mile walking led me to three caches, I could probably have got a fourth as when I returned to the car Lyn was nowhere to be seen for another 10 minutes.

Harbor Freight was a little quicker as I knew what I wanted, and we found it fairly quickly.

Next we headed south to the gardens, by which time it was time for lunch. I decided not to behave this lunch-time and had a club sandwich and potato chips. Hopefully the 2½ miles walking I did will help burn off some of the indulgence.

Unfortunately the frost we had yesterday had damaged some of the flowers, particularly the roses, but there was still a colourful display around the gardens, with lots of ‘mums.

Below are some pictures we took, unfortunately the map we had didn’t show what the different flowers were, so if recognise any let me know.


Number 1

DSC03937Number 2


‘Mums along the water, by the house.




Lyn is desperate to see an alligator in the wild, this is the closest thing we saw. The gardens have a light display over the Christmas season, all the paths are lit with Christmas objects, there is also the occasional wildlife created in lights hence the alligator. Unfortunately we won’t be around for the evening openings to see the final light show.


Number 3


We saw this at the side of the road on the way home, I am not sure why it was there, but it looked interesting but not particularly airworthy.

One final stop on the way back was at a liquidation store, normally I find these places full of cheap plastic junk, but this one was more like a hardware store. The merchandise was not particularly top of the line, but it certainly was usable.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 5 | 1 Comment

White Stuff on the Ground …. Really

OK, I’ve got over my sulk! -3°C overnight, when I got up there really was white stuff, of the frozen variety, on the ground. Admittedly it was frost and not snow, and no where near the 5 feet plus that they got south of Buffalo.

Another gas refill was needed this morning, these trailers aren’t exactly R2000 when it comes to insulation efficiency. We headed out this morning to visit a Colemans (as in camping) store, as Lyn had been looking for a more comfortable camping chair for outside. We timed it right as not only is it the end of season, it is the week before Thanksgiving, so there was a good sale on. After that we went across to a large tool store where I got a few small goodies.

Back at the trailer I continued my battle with programming and Lyn started on a new quilt which needs at least 300 pieces of fabric to be cut. Before we left home I made a cutting template out of acrylic for this project, so hopefully that will help.

After lunch the temperature had climbed up into the mid 50’s, so an afternoon walk was in order. About half way round we met a couple we had spoken to before, and stopped for about half an hour to talk. The guy makes his own rifles as a hobby, not new style ones but ones that originated a few hundred years ago, he had some pictures, they were quite impressive.

The forecast for tomorrow is promising, so we are heading out to some gardens on the other side of Mobile Bay with a side trip to a hardware store and a fabric store on the outskirts of Mobile.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

I’m Sulking!

There will be no blog today… I am too busy sulking ‘cos it’s cold out AND Lyn shamed me into going for a walk. See you when the temperature rises.


Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

There Went the Heat

Well, yesterdays 1″ of rain never left the skies. With the exception of 3 short showers totaling 30 seconds, it was a warm dry day. The forecast for overnight was for a chance of a thunderstorm and 4mm of rain. About 4AM I awoke to lightning and rain so I went into the living room to watch the storm. In the end it was nothing spectacular, other than the fact we were now under a tornado watch! I headed back to bed and about 20 minutes later the skies opened and the thunder and lightning was much closer. All in all we had just over 14mm of rain. Well done those forecasters.

After the front went through the temperature dropped from 20°C to 5°C, and there it remained until lunch time when it crept up a couple more degrees. It has been very blustery all day so I just settled down and finished the camera wiring, it can now be switched on and off from outside the trailer. After lunch I continued trying to teach myself the C++ programming language and Lyn braved the elements for a trip out to a local pottery.

No BBQ tonight, the poor thing wouldn’t get hot enough to cook anything!

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment

We’re Going to Pay for This

A warmer night last night, and a dull overcast morning to wake up to, but it was warm. By mid morning we were up to 22°C. The threatened rain was still a long way off, so I did some more work on the trailer while Lyn did some of her crafts.

Today’s project was to install a couple of connectors for the Satellite TV antenna cables. Usually These cables are just squeezed through a gap where the sliders are and then routed across part of the living area floor. A couple of weeks ago, I routed the cables up through the trailer under-body directly into a cupboard, but just left them hanging underneath. Now that e-Bay has delivered a couple of new fittings to me, I spent a couple of hours drilling holes in the trailer and fixing them on. As jobs go this one was surprisingly quick and easy. Here’s the end result.



Lunch was an outside meal, enjoying the warmth before the next Arctic Blast reaches us; would you guys please keep this inclement weather up north where it rightfully belongs!

After lunch we headed down to the walking trails in Orange Beach to get some more exercise and do some geo-caching. This was a new trail for us, and like all the others it was in great shape with a hard tarmac surface.


The shot above was taken just off the trail at the start of a bridge. There was a cache hidden in the under structure of the bridge.


That’s what a cache looks like, well the bigger ones anyway. A little further on we had to leave the trail for a hundred feet or so to find another cache. The picture below was taken from the cache site, we had the same view for 360° around us, you wouldn’t think there was a path nearby.


We stopped off at a shopping centre on the way back looking for Christmas ideas, alas nothing jumped out at us. Much to Lyn’s surprise I saw a couple of sweaters I liked, so we bought those as a consolation prize. Much to my delight an extra large size is way too big now, a large is a comfortable fit. The weight is still coming down, even though I am not consciously trying to lose any more, today the weigh-in showed I had now lost 40lbs since we started exercising and eating healthier.

So much for 1″ of rain today, we have had three quick (less than 10 seconds) showers all day. They are now calling for thunderstorms overnight. I am not holding my breath.

Posted in 2014, Alabama, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 5 | Leave a comment