A New Continent!

As the title suggests, South America will be a new continent for us, only leaving Antarctica to be conquered. I suspect with the high prices demanded for those trips it wil remain unconquered!

We headed out from the trailer this morning, courtesy of our friends Jim and Ruth who gave us a ride to Pensacola Airport. After a slightly bumpy ride we made it to Houston Texas, where we are now waiting for our next flight to Lima Peru.

We’ll spend a couple of days in Lima, then pack up the bags and make our way to Machu Picchu and the surrounding area for a few days. We will then fly back to Lima and then on to Santiago Chile to board the Sapphire Princess for a cruise along the Chilean coast and Fjords, around Cape Horn to the Falkland Islands, then to Uruguay and finally Buenos Aries, before flying back to Pensacola.

I am not sure what the internet access will be throughout trip, but I’ll attempt to keep the log going, although there may be times it will published late.

And my usual disclaimer, I am using a tablet with a small keyboard so there WILL be spelling mistakes, grammatical errors etc. Sorry you’ll have to live with them!

Posted in 2024, South America, Trips | 2 Comments

The End

Well, as usual, all good things have to come to an end. We left the ship at 0600 (yes, six o’clock in the morning!!) to catch the transfer coach to Amsterdam airport. The rain had stopped and it was 13C (56F).

We’re now sitting in the lounge with a 3 hour wait for the flight tp Copenhagen, then on to Toronto and Ottawa. There is one luxury in the lounge that we have been missing for the last couple of weeks, fast and reliable WiFi!!! I know, first world problem.

We enjoyed the cruise, despite having to change ships half way through. In fact the transfer was pretty much seamless to us. The cases had to be packed and unpacked again, but I helped Lyn with that…… by staying well out of her way.

With only 160 or so passengers on board it was easy to get to know lot of people.

Organisation, both on board and on excursions was fantastic, of course we always had stragglers who couldn’t read a watch and turned up past the all-aboard time, but that’s not the fault of the cruise line (other than the fact they didn’t leave them behind!).

Food on board was very good, almost too fancy for us on Scenic. Although we had a gifted drinks package on Emerald and an open bar on Scenic, I doubt whether we got close to drinking enough to cover the price of the package, getting old sucks!

The cabins, particularly Emerald, were more than adequate. In fact we were surprised at the amount of room we had.

At the end of the cruise we felt that 12 days rather than 14 may have been better, but could well have been due to the fact that the last 2 stops, Cologne and Amsterdam, were not as interesting as all the previous ones.

Would we take another river cruise? Yes, if we found the right destinations, bur we would happily stick with Emerald as the cruise line of choice.

On a personal note, thanks to Dave and Karen for putting up with us! We met up with Dave and Karen (a NZ couple) at the hotel prior to boarding the ship. Scarily for Lyn and Karen, Dave and I had the same warped sense of humour that drives them both mad. They may have suffered a little when we all got together. NZ got through to the rugby final last night, England plays tonight against S. Africa for the other spot. Hopefully we get a NZ – England final (Sorry Robert!).

That’s it for this trip, the next one will be Machu Picchu and a cruise around South America in mid February.

Well, not quite the end! We knew we had a tight, but legal connection in Copenhagen, but we were 30 minutes late in leaving Amsterdam. After speed walking from one end of the airport to the other we arrived at the gate with the plane still there. Unfortunately the flight had closed! We now walked back to the Scandinavian Airlines transfer desk as Air Canada had shut up shop for the day! Scandinavian were very helpful and efficient and soon had us on a new flight 3 hours later. A slightly more circuitous route, Copenhagen, Chicago, Toronto Ottawa, but at least it gets us home. As I had a couple of hours to spare in Copenhagen I filed the 600 Euro ($900), each claim against Air Canada for a delayed flight!

US Readers ignore this paragraph!

Well, not quite the end of the end. I had forgotten how asinine it is to transfer US airports. Almost anywhere in the world where you transit through multiple countries you can do so with out having to officially enter that country, i.e. you remain “airside” and not have to go through immigration and passport control. Not the US, not only do you have to enter via passport control, you have to collect your checked luggage, take it through customs and then recheck it back to destination!! All this activity is overseen by the most disgruntled and power mad TSA agents you can imagine. All I can think of is that this process is designed to reduce unemployment.

US Readers Continue

After our reroute we were told our bags would be on the same flights as us. Wrong. Air Canada in their infinite wisdom decided to reroute our bags to the next Air Canada flight to Toronto! We may see our bags Monday

Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment

Rained Out!

Well, it had to happen. We woke up to rain in Amsterdam, but if it had to happen this was the best place to do so. We have been to Amsterdam a couple of times before, so we weren’t missing out on anything new.

We braved the wind and rain and went off for a canal tour on one of the tour boats. Unfortunately with rain drops on the outside of the windows, and condensation on the inside (they did give us squeegees!) there wasn’t too much to see.

Last night we signed up for a tour to Haarlem, but having been outside and felt the wind and rain we cancelled that trip.

Today is therefore a day of total leisure, the boat won’t depart until new passengers board tomorrow, however we have to depart at 0600 to get to the airport for our flight to Copenhagen and then Toronto. It makes the 0800 wakeup calls seem quite civilised.

I’ll probably do a wrap-up entry tomorrow at the airport or from home.

Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment

Back to the Modern World

We arrived in Cologne early this morning, it looked rather drab and dark even at 0830. I suspect being at the western end of the time zone may explain this?

After breakfast we headed out to the city centre, boy have we been spoilt with historic little towns. Cologne was almost completely destroyed during WWII, and rather than trying to reconstruct the old style of buildings, they have gone with a mish-mash of modern architecture. It didn’t impress me too much.

Below are some pictures of the city

Gardens where the mystical elves worked!
Tower of St. Martins Church

Above to the right of the church tower is the original tower that was part of the Rathaus (Town hall), just to the right of it is the new Rathaus.

A splash of colour (and scaffolding!)
Cologne Cathedral
Mosaic Floor

Below are shots from inside the Cathedral and some of it’s stained glass

Travelling along the Rhine this afternoon, traffic has been non stop with freight barges passing upstream almost continuously.

I said previously the river level was low, this guy didn’t listen to me.

Tomorrow will be our last full day on the boat as we arrive in Amsterdam.

Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment

Another 2 for 1

Last nights entertainment was Disco Night, we didn’t last too long with that!!

For Dave and Karen, it’s the sum of a prime and a square.

We travelled overnight and arrived at Rudesheim around 0830. Today was a little warmer than previously with a temperature of 5C (41F). We will have two stops again to day, one in Rudesheim, then later on this evening we will dock at Koblenz for a few hours.

It seems we may have a water level problem again, we need 20cm (8″) of water beneath the boat to continue, currently there is just 20cm, so hopefully we will be ok.

This morning after breakfast we headed off by train to the town centre.

Our Train

The main attraction for today was Siegrfrieds Mechanical Music Cabinet Museum. This museum houses hundreds of music boxes and mechanically played instruments dating back a couple of centuries. An amazing place. In addition to the usual punched paper playing pianos and organs there were many other machines, the most spectacular of which was one that also played the violin!

You can see the violins in the picture above. There are two sets of 4 violins as only one string is played on each one. There is a ring of horse hair that rotates around acting as the bow.

Some more instruments from the museum:

The picture above can be used for today’s useless trivia lesson. There were no volume controls on the old gramophones so the only way to reduce the volume was to stuff something down the horn, often an old sock. Hence the phrase “put a sock in it”.

The Repair Shop

Above is our NZ friend Dave, acting as the organ grinder, the monkey is looking very bored!!

After the museum we took a short cable car trip up the hills with the terraced vineyards.

After the trip, it is back on board for a trip through the Rhine Valley.

Unfortunately it is a little cool up on the sun-deck so not much time was spent there. Luckily the ship has a camera in the bow which can be displayed in real time on the TV in the cabin. Combine this with the panoramic windows in the cabin, and we still have a pretty good view.

A real train

That sandbar in the picture below should be well under water!

Looking astern are a number of boats following us, now that we are on the Rhine the river traffic has picked up. Perhaps they are just following to make sure we get through!!

Well, we survived the shallow waters and arrived safely at Koblenz. Unfortunately we arrived at dinner time, so didn’t get to go ashore until it was dark. We decided to go for a walk along the tow path and look for our first geo-cache of the trip. We found it! Tomorrow we are off to our last Germab stop, Cologne.

Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment

Two for the price of one!

This morning we arrived in the town of Wertheim and moored up in a very convenient location, directly across from the brewery! Again it was cool starting out at 2C (36F) and climbing to 11C (52F).

Today’s organisation was to be slightly different. After breakfast we were to meet outside the ship for a walking tour of Wertheim with a little free time at the end. We would then get on a coach to be taken to Miltenberg to see a different town. Our ship would leave Wertheim and (hopefully) meet us at Miltenberg.

Both town tours were different to previous ones, with the focus being more on the every day people rather than the church and nobility. A refreshing change.

As appears the norm around here, not all tour guides are local. We thought that at least one of them must have been though as he ws dressed in lederhosen and other traditional Bavarian clothing, alas I was wrong, he was from Glasgow.

Below the first set of pictures are from Wertheim where the highlight of the tour was a visit to the glass museum and a glass blowing demonstration.

The Castle surrounded by fog.
The Leaning Tower of Wertheim

Below are some general shots fro around the town.

Again some of the buildings are leaning!

At the glass blowing museum we watched as a liquor glass was being formed. The glass used was similar to pyrex. Once the glass was formed and had cooled slightly the glass maker smashed it against the table pretty hard. As you can imagine this brought a large gasp from the crowd. The glass did not break or chip. We need some of those!

The next couple of pictures are a bit of an eye opener. They make glass eyes. Below a re a selection of eyes.

Here is a brief outline of how they progress from a small tube to the finished eye

Glass Christmas Scene

A few more pictures of the town on our way back (via a coffee shop). It’s not too clear but the black writing on the white are the flood levels that the river has reached over the last 700 years. The highest ever level was about 3m (10ft) above the top of the white board.

After this visit, we boarded the coach to continue on to Miltenberg. It is amazing how green and forested that Germany is.

Below are some shots of Miltenberg. Both towns were considerably smaller and less busy than previous ones that we had visited, with almost no traffic. English was not as common here as it had been previously and credit cards were not accepted in a number of stores.

Gumi bears seem to be popular around here, and the local proprietor came out with an assortment of freebies for us to try. Not exactly a bear, but it tasted good. There was a choice of sweet, sour, sugar free, chilli and a couple more. His plot must have worked as I saw a number of tour passengers in the shop later.

Above is a sign out side a brewery. The star hanging below it loos like the Star of David, but it is not. It is the sign of a recognised brewery. The upward pointing triangle representing the heat or flames going up and the downward facing one is water or rain coming down. As long as the two are held in balance when brewing the beer alles ist gut!

It has been a bit of a bumpy ride along the river today, not the rough water but the narrow locks (or should that be the wide boats). I was watching from the balcony and there was about 1inch space between the rubber block and the side of the lock wall. We moved away from the lock wall about four inches and bounced off the other side. Not much room to spare. A slight longer blog today, hope it wasn’t too boring.

Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment

After Bamberg (aka Würzburg)

Most nights we have some form of entertainment on board, last night our cruise director (a Welsh girl) took to the microphone for an evening of songs. My first thought was Uh Oh, what are we in for here. It turns out she was previously a professional singer and has an amazing voice. Again a good night was had by all.

We cruised over night to Würzburg and woke up to fog and 1C (34F). At least now the sun has broken through and we should be going up to 12C (54F). After lunch we will head out on a walking tour of the area for a couple of hours. Some one commented to me that they thought I sounded bored with the trip, far from it. Although may of the towns have a basic similarity there are also a great deal of differences between them. I find it difficult to capture those differences when writing the blog with out going into pages of historic details, that would take away from food, drink, socialising and entertainment time…… ain’t going to happen! So I’ll continue with the blurb at the beginning and pictures at the end. As I’ve said before, Google and particularly Google Lens can be your friend with the pictures.

The only important contribution that I found that Würzburg made to the civilised world was the invention of the X-ray. However our tour guide around the city had a few different ideas. Today we had a tour guide whose mother was a strong American Catholic, his father a strong Turkish Muslim and himself a German Protestant! I am beginning to doubt the information from some of these guides, it appears that most towns have the largest Cathedral and/or the oldest Catholic Cathedral!

Todays tour focused primarily on the Prince-Bishops residence in the town.

Below are pictures of the outside and inside of the Prince-Bishops residence

“Duct Tape Man”
The Castle
Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment


I’ve run out of titles! Today was an earlyish start, 0900. The weather has changed, it was 4C (40F) climbing to 12C (54F), but at least it was sunny.
We headed off in a coach for the ten minute trip into the centre of Bamberg. Yet another old German city, in concept the same as many of the others, a cathedral, many churches a few castles and in this case many breweries.

The beer brewed here is fairly unique in that it has a smokey flavour. In the middle ages the barley was soaked in water to produce the malt. After a few days the resulting mix had to be dried, this was done by heating from a wood fire, the smoke of which got absorbed into the mix. In later times the heating was by convection, so the the smoke was eliminated. Bamberg continues the tradition of using the smoking fires.

Today’s tour guide was not German, nor American but Welsh. There must be a lack of local guides.

Again, I’ll load the pictures, but with little commentary so I can upload while we have internet.

First a motor scooter for our daughter who loves all things pink!

Now some general views of Bamberg

Wonky Door!

At the end of the tour we were cold, and being Sunday no shops were open, but cafes were! No lunch today!

Just Cruising
Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | 2 Comments

Different day, same boat, same country!

After returning from Resenburg last night we settled into the new cabin. As I think I said yesterday, although this is meant to be a superior cruise line to Emerald, there were many things we preferred on the other boat. It had far more storage for clothing and other items in the cabin. Although we are in the same relative position in the boat (albeit one level up) the engine noise is much more noticeable on this boat. Previously we felt the boat was just gliding along, on this one you can feel and hear that it is being powered along. It gets pretty noisy when we are manoeuvring in and out of locks. Despite my nit pickings above, it has done nothing to diminish the trip!

Last night after leaving Resenburg we made a brief stop to pick up a Bavarian brass quartet for some traditional Bavarian entertainment.

A good night was had by all!!

Today the weather has turned colder, 12C (56F) and it has just started to rain. We are currently on the Rhin-Main-Danube canal, by passing the river. We are going through a series of locks, there are 16 altogether with some of them having a rise / drop of 15m (80ft). After lunch we will be stopping at Nurnberg (as I am too lazy to look up spellings, berg and burg in town names is used interchangeably!!) for a few hours.

Entering a lock
Going Down, first floor …….

This morning there was an origami lesson in the lounge, Lyn completed two items, I gave up halfway through the easy one!!

Lyn’s Creations

This afternoon we embarked on a tour to the old town of Nurnberg. When our tour guide introduced herself on the bus, we both remarked how good her English was. She came from Michigan, USA! She married a German 26 years ago and stayed in Germany. What I found interesting was…. she had a slight German accent!

Again it will be mostly pictures as I can set them up to download over night, rather than wait for individual downloads and adding a commentary. Google Lens could be your friend if you are interested in what each of the pictures are. Unfortunately the weather put a damper on things, literally. We had our first serious rain of the cruise.

The trip finished up in sausage / beer restaurant. The beer was OK, but I have tasted better German sausages from the street vendors in Ottawa!

Market Place
Whoops, the finger has made a rare(er) appearance at the Imperial Castle!
Posted in 2023, Danube, Trips | Leave a comment

Another day another boat

An early morning for us, our bags had to be packed and placed outside our cabin door before 0800! After that it was breakfast and back to the cabin in hurry up and wait mode. We boarded the buses around 0900 for a 90 minute trip to Regensburg in the state of Bavaria. Once upon a time it was the state capital, but that is now Munich. Once on the boat we hurried up and waited a little more to check into our cabins. We scored a minor upgrade in the fact we are now on the third (top) level vs the second.

Our new boat is the Scenic Opal, Scenic is the owner of our previous company Emerald, and as such have “posher” boats and service. So far I think we prefer the cabin layout of the previous boat, we haven’t made a decision on the restaurant and bar yet, although the bar is free to all, all day long and all types of drinks. Previously we had a package that was beer and wine all day long. Evidently we’ll get a refund on the unused portion of that package! We all so have a free mini-bar in the room as well as butler!

After lunch we headed off on a short walking tour of Regensburg, like all other towns it has a Cathedral or two, many old buildings etc. The oldest standing part of the city is the North Gate which dates back to 176AD.

Original Stone Arch and Tower

Below is a “David and Goliath” mural, said to represent the Catholics (Goliath) over running the Lutherans (David). Never did understand religion!

Above is the old Salt House, salt being a valuable commodity for preserving food in days gone by when there was no refrigeration.

The Old Stone Bridge

Above is the plaque on the house where Oskar Schindler (Schindlers List) once lived.

Below are a few random pictures of Regensburg.

The obligatory cathedral (St Peters) in the background.

Hopefully tomorrow’s entry will be different day, same country, same ship!!

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