Category Archives: Week 3

Something for Every One.

Woke up to clear blue skies and sunshine. The temperature here on the coast is definitely cooler than inland. Inland has been forecast to climb to the mid 80’s, but here the Ocean is keeping the temperature in the mid … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 3, West Coast | Leave a comment


A little disappointing as yesterdays sunshine wasn’t with us when we woke up. After breakfast though the clouds began to clear, and the sun broke through. It was time to hit the food store to replenish the supplies so we … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 3, West Coast | Leave a comment

Driver, Diesel Mechanic …….

The trailer was still there this morning!! After breakfast we headed out to continue our trip to Seaside Oregon. The scenery continued to be stunning, but the roads only allowed us to average 45 MPH, not the 55 I had … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 3, West Coast | Leave a comment

On the Road Again

Woke up to another sunny morning, seemed strange not to have the truck in front of us!! This morning was destined to pass very slowly… I decided I don’t do so well if I am not in control of events! … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 3, West Coast | Leave a comment

Not Our Lucky Day ……. Or Was It????

Finally, on what was planned to be our last day the sun decided to grace us with its presence! After breakfast we headed out to Eureka to visit a heritage woodworking factory. This place, Blue Ox, specialises in custom woodwork … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 3, West Coast | Leave a comment

Out and About

Surprise, another dull and foggy start to the day. In celebration of Mothers day we had a relaxing morning (such a rarity), Lyn did some of her hobby stuff and I finally got around to tidying up all the electronics … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 3, West Coast | Leave a comment