Out and About

Surprise, another dull and foggy start to the day.

In celebration of Mothers day we had a relaxing morning (such a rarity), Lyn did some of her hobby stuff and I finally got around to tidying up all the electronics mess in “my corner” of the trailer.

After lunch we headed south, this time we took the seaward route that goes over a spit of land and a couple of bridges to get down to Eureaka. A little more scenic than using the freeway. Our first stop was a series of bluffs overlooking the Pacific. We were expecting something a little higher, but we got a view of the beach from above. The sand around here is quite fine, but it is grey rather than golden in colour.

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Gets Blowy up Here!

Next we headed further south to the village of Ferndale which is known as a Victorian Village. Of course being a village it was full of antiques stores. Lyn managed to find something to buy!! The buildings were all in pretty good condition, and made for a scenic village.

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Following on from there we headed inland to the village of Fortuna for a walk along the river. The walkway was along a disused rail bed which made for fairly easy walking.


All in we managed about 2.5 miles of walking. We didn’t find any geo-caches today; mainly because I forgot the GPS!!

Its hard to believe we picked up the trailer a week ago, we seem to have settled back into the routine quite easily. Sure beats working for a living!!

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