Category Archives: Week 8

Today Will be Tomorrow

As we got back late this evening I’ll combine today’s blog with tomorrows.

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | Leave a comment

Royal Gorge Train Trip

Another comfortable nights sleep, and clear blue skies and around 18°C when we woke up. Today’s outing was a rail trip along the Royal Gorge through which the Arkansas River flows. The Arkansas is the 5th largest river in the US. … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | Leave a comment

Can’t Think of a Suitable Title

Woke up to a pleasantly cool morning. Lyn had some laundry to do and I had nothing (specific) to do. We sat around outside for a while enjoying the more reasonable temperature of around 25°C. After lunch we headed off … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | Leave a comment

Altitude Sickness??

An early start this morning, the cool weather from yesterday continued, and we woke up to a chilly 15°C in the trailer. Our well practiced packing up went well, and from falling out of bed, having breakfast and getting on … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | 1 Comment

Arctic Cold Front Sweeps Moab Utah

A very comfortable nights sleep with the temperature around 20°C. We were woken up by a loud single clap of thunder around 4:30, followed by about 2 minutes of rain. At our proper wake up time the temperature was around … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | Leave a comment

Dead Horses and Dinosaurs

Another comfortable nights rest, I think I’ve got the A/C under control finally. After experimenting with opening and closing various vents the whole trailer cools to the same temperature. When we first started the sleeping area was about 10°C hotter … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | Leave a comment


Woke up to an overcast day and ONLY 26°C outside. Inside was a chilly 21°C. For most of the morning the A/C worked as it should have, it came on, it cooled down, it switched off. Repeated as necessary, unlike … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Trips, Week 8, West Coast | Leave a comment