Sun, Sand and……. Cool Air

Another sunny wake up, although the temperature was down around 3°C. The furnace kicked in about 20 minutes before we got up so the trailer was warm and cosy for breakfast.

We planned on getting out somewhere today, but decided to leave it until the afternoon  to when it should be warmer. This morning I played around with the quadcopter for a while, trying to get the motors spinning. After a quick search on the web it turned out that I was experiencing a common problem. The ‘copter came with a quick start guide, the full manual had to be downloaded. Once I read the full manual I discovered that two of the switches on the transmitter had to be in a certain position to allow the motors to start, once this was discovered they fired up as expected. Unfortunately it was a bit too windy for a first flight.

This what it looks like, the box underneath is a camera, which I don’t have on mine (yet!)Blade-350-QX-Quadcopter


After lunch we headed out to St Simons Island for a number of activities. Lyn was material hunting as she is making a quilt as a wedding present and there just happens to (still) be a good quilt shop on the island. Material was successfully procured, after Lyn’s credit card was declined (more to follow). Next stop was the post office to mail off a parcel for a friend in Canada whose son is is at university in Florida. Finally it was off to the beach for some exercise, and an attempt at a new past-time… Geo-Caching.

What is Geo-Caching you may well ask? Thanks to our son Paul we have a few of the answers. There are millions of caches throughout the world, some are as simple as a small container holding a paper log sheet that you sign to prove you have found it, others contain items that are on the move. These items have been placed in a cache by someone who wants it to get to a specific destination. When some else discovers the item, they can take it and place it in another cache nearer to the intended destination. Obviously, for me to be interested in this electronics and computers need to be involved. All the caches are listed on a web site ( from this you can get a description of the cache, the lat / lon close to the cache and clues as to how to find the cache when you get to the lat / lon position. The clues can range from simple to cryptic to mathematical. Today Lyn and I went looking for our first cache on the beach, what’s more we (well, Lyn) found it. We have decided that geo-caching will exercise both the mind and the bodies, so we will continue with it. Just need to get a new GPS now.

After finding the cache we headed off down the beach for some exercise, back home we were walking over a mile a day until the -20 weather hit, so we have not walked too much since December.  Hopefully we will get back into the swing of things, and we can lose a little more weight, we’ve both lost around 20 lbs since November and feel better for it.

Back at the trailer it was time to phone the credit card company as we both had a credit cards declined in the last couple of days. Usually we advise the company that we will be travelling, but this time I forgot and they flagged our spending habits as unusual!

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