More Sun, More Sand and Warmer Temperatures

Last night the temperature the dropped to 1.5°C but the trailer kept pretty warm. This morning it was clear and sunny so after breakfast we headed off to the beach on Jekyll Island. This year we decided to buy an annual pass to get onto the island; it is normally $8 to cross over to the island, so after 6 trips we will be saving money. As this is one of our favourite places down here we hope to get our money’s worth.

Crossing the causeway onto the island we stopped to look for a geocache site which we found pretty quickly. We then headed to the far side of the island to try and find a second cache, unfortunately we didn’t find this one. The GPS on the phone was too erratic to follow accurately, plus the phone was not easily readable in the sunlight. Once we get the new GPS we`ll head back.

Next stop was the beach for our daily exercise, we clocked up 3 miles of beach walking, which is a pretty good achievement for us. We could probably see about 5 miles of beach and there were less than 10 people on it (probably all Canadian celebrating the warm temperatures).

Next was a well earned lunch, we brought our own to remove the temptation of eating anything with fries! As the day progressed the temperature climbed up to around 18°C

After lunch we headed off for a tour around the island, then back to the trailer.

The new GPS had arrived in our absence; considering it was only ordered around 10 PM last night, I was pretty surprised. The bad news was it didn’t work! I contacted Amazon through their web-site, explained the issue and asked for a replacement. Within 2 minutes a new GPS was being packaged up to be sent with one day delivery and instructions were sent as to how I should return the defective unit. The return instructions were to print out a form, parcel it all up and take it to the resort office where UPS would come along, stick a label on the box and take it away….. all for free. Pretty impressive really.

Back at the trailer we came across a mystery with the truck. While checking out the lights, we found an empty hole where one of the fog lights should be. All that was left was the wire and its connector, the bulb and its mounting bracket were gone. The one on the other side was loose and it seemed it had been tampered with, so I guess someone was after our lights. No idea when it disappeared, could have been at home, or in one of the motel parking lots.



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