Wires, Wires and More Wires

Woke up to a bright, sunny but cooler (17 C) morning with quite a strong wind blowing. After breakfast we took a wander around the campsite to see who was here, as well as to get in some much needed exercise. The trip down wasn’t too bad, we managed to stay reasonably on track food wise, but there was very little exercise.

After our walk I decided I had to sort out the wiring mess I had created by throwing all the electronics together on the first day (remember the “before” picture?). This trip I decided was the trip where the drill comes out and holes are drilled for the wires to run through. First problem, drill but no drills. Off to Lowes to buy some drill bits, back at the trailer the next problem surfaced, the drill battery was not charging properly. I am not sure whether the problem is the charger or the battery. The battery was new last year and the charger is about 15 years old, at least I could get about 5 minutes use out of it so I could  get the holes drilled, albeit slowly.

I also wanted to run a couple of wires to the outside of the trailer for the satellite receiver. Up until now I have been running the wires in through a gap between the living room slider and its sealing gasket. Now I just need to plug the satellite cables into connectors under the back of the trailer.

Back inside all the holes were finally drilled, and it was time to make up some Ethernet cables and join everything together. Amazingly it all worked; the hardest part came next…. clearing up!

The desired result was achieved, the two pictures below are the after pictures.

After 1 After 2

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