Wasps and Air Conditioners Don’t Mix

The first full day after getting the trailer out of storage is normally one  of fixing little problems. At the end of last year there was a small problem with the two water drain valves under the trailer leaking slowly. It was time to remove them and put new valves in, at first I thought I would have to drain the whole system, but I got lucky and managed to cut the old ones off and clamp two new ones on. End of leaks.

Next was the satellite setup, again I was lucky because the dish was still locked at the right elevation and skew from last years trip, all I had to do was put the mast up vertically and point the dish in the right direction. With the new meter I got last year we had TV in a few minutes.

The chores continued, when I turned the Air Conditioner on to test it, the fan shook so much the whole trailer vibrated with it. A quick search on the web suggested that there may be a wasps nest, or something similar, on one of the fan blades, so it was up to the roof to strip down the A/C unit. There was a large hornets nest in the outer casing, but this was not causing the problem. All the fan blades were clear, so a little more investigation was required. Finally I discovered there was an old dried out nest buried in the hub of the fan, this nest was solid and certainly weighed enough to throw the blade out of balance. A few minutes digging with a screwdriver removed the problem. Once everything was back together the fan was turned on and it ran as smooth as it used to.

While I was on the roof, I checked out other places where wasps may have set up home, but no more were found.

Last chore for today was to get the BBQ setup, unfortunately a lot of stuff had to be removed from the storage compartment before I could get the BBQ out, this led to a whole slew of other little minor jobs before the BBQ came out.

Ah, the joys of relaxing RV living.

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