Today it rained………..

Another sunny and warm day, with the temperature just reaching 30°C.

Being as this was a Sunday, we took it easy! I finally got around to flying the helicopter in the storage area directly behind us. There are only a few vehicles  in it, and it is probably the largest free space I have flown in.

Back at the trailer I continued working on the wiring I started the other day at the back of the trailer. I made up some new cables and tested them and all was good.

Once Lyn had finished her stuff we decided  we went for a walk around the resort for our daily exercise, while it was still coolish (<25°C) outside. We had planned to drop by our friends and ask them round for afternoon drinks, but there was no sign of them.

After lunch I went back to the wiring, got the socket all waterproofed and in position and tested it out. All was good again. Final task was to fill the area where I had been working with expanding foam to encase everything properly. Once the foam was in I did a final test, all was NOT good, nothing, nada, zilch etc. There was no power getting to the WiFi unit. I played around with every connection I could reach, with no luck. There was only one thing left to do, dig into the expanding foam and cut the connector out. Finally luck was on my side, the foam hadn’t fully dried and I was able to gently pull the connector out of it, and as a bonus the foam dried in such a way that the connector could be pushed back into position. To cut a long story short, something had got into the connector and caused the problem, It all went back together fairly easily, and continued to work after I put a final coat of foam in the gap.

To explain the title, Rain, slightly misleading as it wasn’t raining water it was raining eggshells! This morning we found half a birds eggshell in one of our outside chairs. While we were drinking coffee outside this afternoon there was a thump on the table; another partial eggshell had landed. We looked up into the tree above us and saw a dove sitting in a nest, I can only assume that as the eggs were old, she had found the nest and was cleaning it out.

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