A Sh**ty job, but it had to be done.

Blue sky and sunshine yet again today, up to 28°C.

After breakfast Lyn headed over for the craft group meeting, and I tackled one of the more unpleasant tasks to date. A couple of mornings ago there was some water on the floor around the toilet, not much but enough to be noticed. Yesterday it was dry, but again today it was wet. I don’t think that poor aiming on my part was to blame! Like a lot of things in the trailer there was not much room to work. The easiest way to find out what was going on was to remove the toilet from the floor. To keep the story clean and short, the problem appears to be in the fresh water valve attached to the foot pedal used to flush. The toilet was fixed back on its mounts and a new part ordered. Can’t wait to do it all again in a couple of days.

After Lunch we headed out for some geocaching exercise. I had found a group of caches on the main web caching site that ran along a bike path not to far away. Unfortunately when we got there and turned on the GPS there were no geocaches showing in the area. We decided to walk along the path anyway for the exercise; a few hundred metres in we met another geocacher. It turns out that the caches we were looking for had only been placed that day, and it was a week ago that I loaded the caches into the GPS. Luckily I was able to get the coordinates for the caches and load them into the GPS, so the trip wasn’t totally wasted. Along the bike path we came across a number of orange trees in back yards.DSC04216Back at the resort, we found out that our neighbours weren’t having the greatest of days either. They had to replace 3 batteries in their motor home. As we were drinking coffee we were shocked to see an ambulance arrive and stop next door. It turns out this wan’t an ambulance, the company replacing the batteries next door was the “RV Doctor” and their works vehicle was very similar to an ambulance!

We finally got around to eating outside tonight, the first outdoor evening meal of the year.

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