Last Stop

Much to our amazement we were packed and on the road by 09:15 this morning. It was partly cloudy and 14°C when we left, although the temperature did climb to 22°C inland it dropped back to 14°C as we got nearer the coast.

The area we passed through on the way north was obviously very fertile with lots of vineyards and fields producing lettuce, cabbage etc. Again manual labour was in use, even in fields of many acres there were up to 50 people working the land with hand tools. I guess migrant labour from south of the border is very cheap.

We headed north through silicon valley, and the traffic started to build even though it was only 2PM. We had a couple of slowdowns which seemed to be caused by nothing other than volume of traffic. Once we got north of Oakland /San Francisco we had to cross a body of water on a toll bridge, $5 for cars, $20 for me, because we had 4 axles…. not amused!

Once off the 101 highway we had to drive through a fairly busy downtown area, then it was onto small country roads for the last 45 miles or so. We finally made it here around 4PM, about 30 minutes later than we expected due to the traffic.

We got the trailer set up pretty quickly, I even managed to get the satellite tuned up in a couple of minutes with no help from the TV setup channel.

The camp ground and the town of Bodega Bay in general seem to be lost in the middle of nowhere, so apart from a trip into San Francisco we may be having a quiet time here.

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