A Trip to the Village

A cooler day than we are used to. The day was partly overcast  with a lot of sea mist hanging around, the temperature only made it up to around 15°C.

We hung around the trailer this morning, Lyn was quilting and I went outside to try and “debug” the trailer. Unfortunately California is suffering from a prolonged drought and washing of vehicles in not allowed. After the travelling we have been doing the trailer is pretty dirty, and the front was caked with dead bugs. I used some bug solution on the area and it cleaned up the mess pretty well. The rest of the trailer will have to wait until next year I guess.

After lunch we walked down to the local village, about a mile away and 100′ below. The village is very small and sort of “yuppy”, that’s about the best way I can describe it. There was little in the village apart from a couple of galleries and a couple of small general stores.

Back at the trailer I got the 3D printer kit out, and finished off painting the rest of the parts.

Apart from a day trip out to San Francisco, this will be a quiet week, followed by 5 full days of driving back home.

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