10,000 Kms

Yet another clear and sunny day, with the wake up temperature at 21°C. We may regret wishing for hotter weather soon, the forecast for the first 5 days at our next stop in Utah is 99, 102, 99, 98, 97 °F. OR 37, 39, 37, 37, 36 °C. I feel sorry for the air conditioner already. The consolation is the humidity, it is low at around 15%

This is our last day here before heading out, it is a 400+ mile trip to the next site, much of it on non interstate roads. Previous experience has shown that a realistic average on these roads is 45-50 mph, with stops for food, gas etc that could be a 10 hour day. We don’t do those any more, at least not with the trailer in tow. So tomorrow will be a hotel night, the chain we stay with sent me 4 $25 gift vouchers to use before September, coincidentally we have 4 more hotel nights between now and home. That brings the price for a night in a motel down to that of a night in a campground.

Today we decided to just laze around, and take a walk into the city of Arco. We also decided to get all the caches in the city, all 3 of them that is! Below is a pictorial visit to the city.

The Big CityBack in the UK, to be a city you required either a University or a Cathedral. Arco has neither, but it does have 3 auto-parts stores, maybe that’s the requirement here.

Claim to Fame

Arco’s Claim to Fame

Downtown ArcoMain Street

Truing to make it betterPerhaps They’re Trying to Improve Things

UmmmmmSigns Like This Don’t Help !!

We found our first cache in a park, I’ve often talked about caches, but I don’t think I’ve shown any

Cache (1)

Above is Lyn holding the cache, the top unscrews and there is a small paper log roll that you sign as proof of finding it.Cache (3)The Cache Back in its Hiding Place

Submarine Sail

Wasn’t expecting to see a submarine surfacing downtown! Another cache location.

Pronghorn Deer

The pronghorn I didn’t get a shot of yesterday!

HorsesA Few Horses

We walked 3¼ miles in 30 degree temperatures, should have shed a few pounds. Later in the afternoon I went out to fill up the truck, when I got back I noticed we had just completed 10,000 kms on this trip to date.

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