Procrastination Wins

See previous posts for wake-up weather, because it hasn’t changed too much, yet. We got up to around 83°F (28°C) after lunch, with a few clouds rolling in.

I had decided that to day was the day to clean the roof; the roof of an RV is effectively a large rubber like sheet stretched over the roofing material, and it has a tough life as it is continually exposed to harsh sunlight. Once a year it needs to be cleaned and conditioned to prevent it breaking down and cracking. If that happens it’s time for an expensive new roof.

Once this morning I arrived I wasn’t so keen on the idea, it was going to be hot up there. The forecast for the next couple of days is warm but cloudy, if we take this thought a little further…. Lyn does the laundry on Tuesday, if it is cloudy the clothing won’t dry as well. I gallantly suggested that Lyn may want to do the laundry today, but that meant I wouldn’t be able to do the roof as it would splash the laundry. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Lyn was not too sure about my master plan. Well at least I tried.

Off to do the roof, not enough roof cleaning product, that wasn’t planned but may help!  By now Lyn was thinking it may be a good idea to do the laundry while it was sunny. Finally I had my reason to avoid the roof for today.

After Lyn put the laundry in the machines we headed off for a walk around the park before it got too hot.

After lunch we headed out to get some roof cleaner, as long as it is cloudy tomorrow the roof will be done, unless …………

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

The Same or More

Yet another cool night, but a much warmer morning. As the day wore on the temperature climbed up into the 80’s and for the first time since we have been here there were clouds in the sky!

Once we got sorted out after breakfast it was time to give Lyn a lesson on her “new” GPS in preparation for an afternoon trip out.

After lunch we headed out towards the coast and a walking trail that we hadn’t been on before, and as expected there were a number of caches to be discovered along the way. By now the temperature was warmer than it had been for the last few days and the walk was going to be a good workout. After a couple of miles of walking we had found 4 out of the six caches we were looking for, the two we missed were in the more difficult category and had been missed by quiet a few people before us, so we didn’t feel too bad.

Most of the walk was along paved paths, but there was some sandy areas.


Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment


I guess by now these blog entries are getting pretty repetitive? Well, today will be no different. A cool night last night, and clear blue sunny skies throughout the day. We decided to just hang around the campground today and do more of nothing than usual, after all this is the weekend.

I managed to do very little for most of the morning before boredom set in, but there were no jobs that NEEDED doing (we’ll ignore washing and waxing the trailer in that statement).

After lunch we walked just under two miles around the resort, and stopped off at the office to check on the mail. I know, it’s Saturday, but the U.S. Postal Service still has a Saturday delivery, and the mail is still delivered to the destination address, not dropped off in a community mailbox. There was a package there for me, which was some more LED’s for different lamps in the trailer.

What should have been a simple swapping of bulbs turned into a 2 hour soldering and rewiring session. Suffice it to say, industry standard bulb sockets are not necessarily standard. I guess we have engineers to thank for that. Anyway, the job got done, and the lamp over the dining table and Lyn’s wall mounted reading lamp have been successfully been converted. The difference is amazing, particularly when you consider the original bulbs used 23 watts of electricity and the LED’s use just 3 watts, while giving out more light and just about zero heat.

Tomorrow is forecast to be same as the last week or so, we will probably head out towards the beach and wander around the trails in that area.

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

One Week Later

Amazingly we have been here for a week now. Yet again, a nice cool night followed by the usual clear skies and sunny morning. After breakfast it was time for the weekly shopping expedition. Once that was finished it was back to the campground for a lazier day than usual.

After lunch we had our daily walk, we probably should have walked double what we did after the meal we had last night; unfortunately the scales don’t lie!

Having been here for a week it meant it was time to drain out the tanks, luckily I’ve done this enough times that it is a very simple procedure to drain and rinse the tank.

Once all the fun jobs were finished I spent a bit more time setting up some more radio stuff. Normally this means that there are a number of wires all over the place, but this time I have managed to rearrange everything a little better and place it in a cupboard, this means that I only need to connect one wire to the computer. I can now use the radio to listen to the short wave bands and also use a “radar like” programme to watch the local aircraft. Got to make sure the local Air Traffic Controllers are doing their job properly!

A couple of days ago a trailer was placed on the site next to us, tonight the residents arrived, complete with 2 Yorkshire terriers. Unfortunately one was left out yapping for a long time this evening, Lyn may be visiting them tomorrow!!

Posted in Fall Trip, Trips, Week 2 | Leave a comment

A Day Out

The usual start to the day, cool overnight and clear blue skies in the morning. After breakfast we (Lyn) made up a picnic lunch and we headed out to Big Lagoon State Park, just over the State line in Florida.

We left the car in the parking lot and headed over to a lookout tower, which coincidentally was home to a geocache. Unfortunately, from a geocaching point of view, the tower was three stories high, this meant the coordinates pointed to a location that could be on any of the three floors. Of course the cache was on the last floor we checked, it was pretty well hidden but Lyn managed to spot it. The view from the tower was pretty spectacular, I had forgotten how white the sand was in this area.


Above is a small sand bar in the lagoon, and below is one of the trails, both showing the white sand.


The park had a number of trails, so we chose one and headed off for our daily exercise. Knowing that we were going out for a meal tonight I walked in the deeper sand on the paths to get more exercise!

After a couple of miles we had built up enough of an appetite to demolish a late lunch and head out of the park.

On the way home there was a shop Lyn had wanted to visit so we stopped there for a while.

In the evening we headed out for a meal to celebrate out anniversary, I don’t think the scales will be our friend tomorrow!

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 1 | 2 Comments

Consistency is Good

Another cooler night to clear out the hot air, then woke up to yet another beautiful day. Once breakfast etc. was out of the way we headed out for our morning exercise by walking around the resort. Slowly the place is filling up, but most of the long term people won’t arrive until after American Thanksgiving.

After lunch, the mail arrived and with it a couple of parcels for me. We decided to try out some LED lights in the trailer. The current ones are small 12 volt “wedge” bulbs, these give off a yellow light rather than white. Because the trailer works off 12 volts the voltage is not constant, rather it will slowly drop until it reaches a certain voltage, then the charger would kick in. This means that the lights would slowly dim then suddenly get brighter. The LEDs work off 8 volts to 30 volts without changing brightness, so with the LEDs we theoretically get a brighter, whiter consistent light. In practice we got a brighter, whiter consistent light, so we are now happier campers. The rest of the trailer will be converted shortly.

The second parcel was a toy for me. A couple of weeks ago Lyn mentioned that it might be fun if she had her own GPS for geocaching, rather than just following me around in circles. I thought about this for a couple of nano seconds and gallantly offered to give Lyn our current GPS. This meant I didn’t have a GPS now, better go buy another one, it was pointless buying the same one (we may have a problem sorting out which is which) so I bought the next model up which is a different colour, problem solved! The fact that the new model had more bells and whistles was an added bonus.

Once the new toy had been checked out it was time to put up an antenna so I can do some radio work, luckily there is a tree a few yards behind the trailer that could support one end of the wire, and the trailer supports the other end.

Tomorrow is our 38th wedding anniversary so we are heading out to Florida for the day

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

More of the Same

Again another cool night, ideal for cooling the trailer down and making sleep easy.  Again we woke to a beautiful sunny morning. After our usual morning rituals we headed out to Foley to a park downtown that has a rose walk, combined with a number of geo-caches along the route. The start of the walk is at the old railway station and heads north for about 3/4  mile. Very soon after the start there construction right on the walkway, it turns out that the town is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary of incorporation (you’ve got to love these old towns!) and they are building a 32 bell bell-tower in celebration.

Most of the roses along the walk were no longer flowering, but there were a few late bloomers evident. Likewise most of the geo-caches along the route were not there either. Out of the five we looked for only two were found. We didn’t feel too bad as two of those we didn’t find hadn’t been found by a number of people before us. Given the popularity of the area they had probably been accidentally discovered and removed.

On the way home we stopped off to top up on our food supplies, then we stopped at the office to finalise our departure date and also book in for three nights when we come back down in January. For those of you who don’t know, we are finally going to take the trailer on the road next year. Starting in January we will head towards Arizona and over the next few years head to the Pacific coast and then north to Washington state. After that we will continue to tour and probably finish up back in Georgia or Alabama and find a permanent site.

Back at the trailer it was time for lunch and an afternoon of sitting out side doing (practically) nothing. My problem is I can’t do nothing for too long, so I found a couple of odd jobs that needed doing just to keep me sane(ish).

There is still one major job that needs doing, the annual washing and waxing of the trailer, but I am putting that off for a few more days yet.

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Settled in at Last.

Another coolish night, but woke up to sun,sun and more sun. Daytime temperatures are in the high 70’s dropping down to the mid 50’s at night. This means that the trailer gets pretty warm during the day, but the cooler nights help the heat dissipate for the next day so the air conditioner is not needed.

Once we got going this morning we took a two mile walk along the road that runs past the campsite, its pretty rural around here,even though we are less than a mile away from the large shopping areas. Along the mile stretch of road that we walked there were only 3 or 4 houses.

Back at the trailer I made a slight modification to yesterdays electronics clean up. The hard drive that the movies and TV programmes are stored on was located in a small cubby hole that amplified the noise when the disk was being used. The cure was simple, move it to a larger area under the TV.

After lunch Lyn headed off to the new Hobby Lobby store just down the road; by mutual agreement I did not go! We figured I’d be in and out the store in about ten minutes, Lyn would take a little longer! In the mean time I played around with a few “toys” and spent some time outside doing battle with Sudoku. Lyn returned about 2 hours later.

So far we have managed to BBQ every night, this is a great improvement over our trip here last spring where the weather was cold enough to avoid outdoor cooking.

All the jobs that “had” to be done have been done, there are a few jobs that are left that can be done if and when I get around to it.

Posted in 2014, Fall Trip, Trips, Week 1 | Leave a comment

Wires, Wires and More Wires

Woke up to a bright, sunny but cooler (17 C) morning with quite a strong wind blowing. After breakfast we took a wander around the campsite to see who was here, as well as to get in some much needed exercise. The trip down wasn’t too bad, we managed to stay reasonably on track food wise, but there was very little exercise.

After our walk I decided I had to sort out the wiring mess I had created by throwing all the electronics together on the first day (remember the “before” picture?). This trip I decided was the trip where the drill comes out and holes are drilled for the wires to run through. First problem, drill but no drills. Off to Lowes to buy some drill bits, back at the trailer the next problem surfaced, the drill battery was not charging properly. I am not sure whether the problem is the charger or the battery. The battery was new last year and the charger is about 15 years old, at least I could get about 5 minutes use out of it so I could  get the holes drilled, albeit slowly.

I also wanted to run a couple of wires to the outside of the trailer for the satellite receiver. Up until now I have been running the wires in through a gap between the living room slider and its sealing gasket. Now I just need to plug the satellite cables into connectors under the back of the trailer.

Back inside all the holes were finally drilled, and it was time to make up some Ethernet cables and join everything together. Amazingly it all worked; the hardest part came next…. clearing up!

The desired result was achieved, the two pictures below are the after pictures.

After 1 After 2

Posted in 2014, Brownsville Tx, Fall Trip, Week 1 | 2 Comments

Wasps and Air Conditioners Don’t Mix

The first full day after getting the trailer out of storage is normally one  of fixing little problems. At the end of last year there was a small problem with the two water drain valves under the trailer leaking slowly. It was time to remove them and put new valves in, at first I thought I would have to drain the whole system, but I got lucky and managed to cut the old ones off and clamp two new ones on. End of leaks.

Next was the satellite setup, again I was lucky because the dish was still locked at the right elevation and skew from last years trip, all I had to do was put the mast up vertically and point the dish in the right direction. With the new meter I got last year we had TV in a few minutes.

The chores continued, when I turned the Air Conditioner on to test it, the fan shook so much the whole trailer vibrated with it. A quick search on the web suggested that there may be a wasps nest, or something similar, on one of the fan blades, so it was up to the roof to strip down the A/C unit. There was a large hornets nest in the outer casing, but this was not causing the problem. All the fan blades were clear, so a little more investigation was required. Finally I discovered there was an old dried out nest buried in the hub of the fan, this nest was solid and certainly weighed enough to throw the blade out of balance. A few minutes digging with a screwdriver removed the problem. Once everything was back together the fan was turned on and it ran as smooth as it used to.

While I was on the roof, I checked out other places where wasps may have set up home, but no more were found.

Last chore for today was to get the BBQ setup, unfortunately a lot of stuff had to be removed from the storage compartment before I could get the BBQ out, this led to a whole slew of other little minor jobs before the BBQ came out.

Ah, the joys of relaxing RV living.

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